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● 設計服務:農會品牌視覺規劃/吉祥物設計/服裝設計製作/產品包裝設計/行銷團隊(知識科技/網站購物/LINE商店/行銷專案)



There are about 301 Farmers’Associations in Taiwan. The products are dazzling, abut the brands are numerous and messy. No one can put these products together consistency、systematically and beautifully. This case is to solve the same problemsfaced by the Liu Ying District Farmer’s Association.

The Farmers’ Association in Liu Ying District has distinct characteristics and is the largest milk-producing area in Taiwan. As a result, many related fresh dairy products have been famous, but other special agricultural products have also been not seen.

In order to maintain the characteristics of the original dairy farmers and the connection with other agricultural products, the mascot of the double image of seeds and buns is used for abandoning the image of cows.

Supplemented with a specially defined standard purple, the brand memory of Liu Ying District Farmers’ Association will be created. Solve the predicament that the Taiwan Farmers Association cannot present the brand image of the Regional Farmers’ Association with a unified brand.


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